Come and join the fun in Second Life
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Good Birthday
1. people may be less likly to forget the date and 2. The celebration will allway be a day off and a extra long weekend too. So the next person who askes me my birthdate, I will perclaim it's on Good Friday. Except for offical records ofcourse :) .
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
1st year bites the dust
Well my uni studies are over for this year. YAY for me. The year went well; when I first started they told me that as a mature student to expect to do badly or even fail the first few assignments. But I didn't. :) By the end of semester I was getting distinctions. This semester I would have got a few more distinctions but I was lazy, and like a sterotypical student I was enjoying my social life to much.
I was meant to be doing two week of work archiving stuff for a mining company, but it looks like it has fallen through :( I'm a bit annoyed, I was intending to have a holiday over east. So now I have two extra weeks of relaxing. My time off will not be all leisure, I have to do a two week practicum placement in a library and then write a report about it. My parents suggest I try and find a job somewhere, but I don't think I'll have much luck. I can only work for a few months (over christmas) plus I don't know when the prac placement will take place. The only good thing about getting work, is that it will proberbly airconditioned :) so it would be cooler than staying at home. I dont't cope to well in summer, if I could move down south I would.
Take care
Saturday, October 17, 2009
I'm still here
I'm at the business end of Uni now. I've been traveling ok. I got a good mark for my speech, 77.5%. For those people who know me, know I'm good a public speaking, and they also know I'm crap at spelling, which is letting me down a little. But I am getting better at structuring sentences and all that grammar stuff.
4 more weeks and it will be all over, well almost, I still have a prac placement to do early next year.
Not looking forward to the summer, :(
Saturday, October 3, 2009
Small World
Betty, (my niece) has a best friend called Wilma, Wilma has just found out that the guy she is dating, is Betty's cousin. The same last name kind of gave it away. Wilma is swooning over Fred, but poor Betty is bemused, "It's just Fred"
ain't luv grand. Not that I'm suggesting or recommending anything, but my suspicions are coming true. My nieces and nephew will be walking down the isle before me.
The old maid.
Katisha *throws at cat at you and tells you to "get off my lawn" (Did I forgot to mention I'm wearing a fluffy dressing gown and slippers at 3pm) :)
Back to this assignment
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
6 weeks in and still finding it hard
When i first started I had this...well thought I could become a Records Manager. But I have to admit my heart is not 100% keen on that idea, so I've decided to take an ever so slight detour and go down the archiving track. As I can see I would enjoy that more. Not the archiving of mundane office material (though I may have to start there) but the archiving of heritage stuff. or helping to digitise paper records into PDF files for everyone to freely access. If I get the prac placement I want, I'll be spending some of that time entering births, deaths and marriage data into a database, so people can research their heritage. I like the thought of that.
Well take care
I better go the cat is newing for his din dins
Sunday, August 30, 2009
*waves Hello
I kind of had the last week off, well there were no Uni classes to attend. So I stayed home and worked on assignments for most of the time. I gave myself a couple of days off. :) you know all work and no play.
I've been kind of thinking of changing my major and minor over. As the course I'm doing is a bit too heavy on the Library side of things. Plus the thought of delving more into the social side of the Internet is....well....more fun :) Alas perhaps no job prospects, but it sounds kind of neat if I could write for online journals about virtual worlds. (I know people in the industry) so I can assume there is my foot in the door. I just kind of like desktop publishing and web design more. I'm sure those of you who know me, know I'm more of a creative bunny than a logical thinker.
I don't have to make my decision now, but still I may have left it a bit too late. Typical me always rushing into things without thinking. But still becoming a archivist and working around Archives 2.0 would still be neat. Basically Archives 2.0 is digitising and presenting information that people can access over the Internet. So this way peeps can either do research on their family heritage or look at pictures that would normally not be on public display. The thought of finishing the undergrad and getting a job at His Maj Theatre would be most cool
Friday, August 21, 2009
All Blogged out
I cannot believe it's the end of week 4 for Uni. The days are just flying by, you think oh that assignment isn't due to Aug 31, I've got plenty of time, now it's OMG that's only 10 days away.
Starting Monday is a study week, so I'll not need to traps into Uni, so lucky me gets to spend that commuting time, staying in front of my computer working on assignments. YAY for me, (please note sarcasm)
I only have one real boring subject this term, the others are covering the Internet and the assignments really ain't that bad. You may not tell from this post (writing style) that I think I'm starting to think differently, a friend said it would change me, but I didn't believe him. errrr so no I do.
Well that's enough of my ramblings, I'm off to do another hour of study, then I'm off to my second life.
take care
Thursday, July 30, 2009
one week down
This semesters work looks very interesting, with fun topics like how to socialise on the Internet, turning a computer game into another form of entertainment. This of course will make up for the boring stuff, like polices and I did hear the rude word of FOI mentioned.
As for outside Uni, I've brought myself a food processor so I can make my own soup. I made a batch last week end. It turned out really smooth and yummy. This weekend I'll make a batch of cauliflower soup. When summer comes along I'll try making a cheese cake.
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
Long time no type
Yes I am still alive!
Just a quick catchup. I passed all my units with 2 credits and 2 distinctions! The new semester has just started this week. As most of my current units deal with new media and the social side of the Internet, we have been encouraged to use different mediums to present our assignments. Stay with me, I am going somewhere with this. Some of these assignments can be in a blog page format. So I've created 2 new blogs (I'm undecided as yet whether to make them public or not)now here is the bit you will like, if I'm coming in here to update my uni blog pages, I will be popping in here to update this one too!!!!
take care
Saturday, June 13, 2009
All is well
Wow, has it been that long from my last post.
Well I'm on holidays now! :)
I felt my exam went well and that I'll pass all my units, (but you allready new that)
I do not gets the results until July 6. so I'll let you know then how I went. In the mean time I'm playing lots of computer games, spending more time in Second Life and doing a spot of house work, come to think of it that's what I'll be doing for the next few weeks!
I'm getting my wisdom teeth (the ones on the right) pulled at the end of the month, so needless to say I'm not looking forward to that. :(
Saturday, May 23, 2009
Just quick update
Just a quick update for those of you who do not see me in SL, twitter or google chat.
All is going well, I have one week of uni left then a study week before I have to sit one 2 hour exam. I would have to say I'm even surprising myself with what I have achieved.
For my holidays, all of about two weeks, what with getting 2 wisdom teeth extracted and having 2 weeks of prac work in a library. I'll be getting about 2 weeks of actual holiday, in that time I am going to catch up with all my friends over some long lunches.
take care
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Did they know? I think they did
They buried Smokey in the front yard and place a concrete slap over his grave. Later when my sis-in-law went out to the front yard, she noticed the two other cats sitting on the concrete slab.
I would like to think that they knew Smonkey was under there and that they were paying their respects for there friend. Or they could be just getting the warmth from the slab.
Uni is going ok, just, I've had my moments, the thought of chucking the towel in did cross my mind, or at least only doing 3 units a semester, but the thought of dragging it out even longer is putting me off too.
Back to the books I go
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Bad Mummies
Within the last 3 days I've read MSN articles claiming that mothers have killed heir own children.
Neuter them I say. They do not deserve to breed. What the hell neuter any, mass murderer or terrorist too.
Friday, April 24, 2009
Soap Box - Breeding Relatives
What am I about to say some people may disagree with and say I'm a selfish bitch. Well that is your problem.
You know the old saying "you can choose your friends but you are stuck with relatives" is so true. For years my older brother, his family and I have had this arrangement, we only see and talk to each other at Christmas, (don't get me wrong, it's not that I hate him, it's just that the only thing we have in common is that we have the same parents)
Now the agreement has shifted, and I don't like it. Now it's come to his families birthday parties. I'm sorry I've liked the arrangement we have had for the last 15years. It's been You don't call me for my birthday and I wont call you for yours. (I've lived in this house for 6 years and he only visited once; the day I moved in)
I'm a stingy old fart, now I have to fork out for presents, I'm been bullied into forking out for a present when I'm not even turning up to the shindig. You see they live on the other side of town and it takes me about an 1.5hour journey each way. So for a party that is lasting an hour, it's not practicle for me to turn up(plus I was given 2 days notice for the party & I have a massive assignment due the next day). But as I made the effort and turned up to gave her brother his present for turning 16, it would seem rather political incorrect for me not to give her one, after all she's just a kid, and I have the problem with her father. I have also been bullied into turning up to the Mother's party next month(which will involve an over night stay at mum's and dad's; as it is not safe to travel at night on public transport)
Kids are expensive, and I don't have any!!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Yes I am still alive
- Health and the Internet - 1500w essay :
- Create and brochure (records management) :)
- The future of libraries in the digital age - 1500w essay :
- Group project - Australian & British economics (from a cultural point of view) speech and 1500w essay :P
- and there are still 2 other projects in the pipe line :S
I'm still managing to log into SL but only for about 2 hours a day, instead of the usual 8.
toodle pip
Thursday, April 16, 2009
"If you give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer. " Clement Freud
Appartently this person has recently passed away.
I got yet another destinshion (just), but I'll take all I can get ;)
Oh well back to the books, it may be school holidays, but I've still got work to do.
Sunday, April 5, 2009
The day has finally arrived
Speaking of convincing ones self to fail...yes with me it never stops.....( oh! perhaps that is my problem)
I knew it was going to happen, I just didn't think it would happen to me this young. I've turned into the crazy cat lady off the Simpsons. No I haven't got another cat. (mind you I would love another one, but I will be adding another 2 fish soon)
Recently I had my mum over to stay, you don't realise how set in your ways you are untill you have company. I've come to the conclusion that I rather like my own company and way of doing things. Don't get me wrong I do enjoy mumsy comming over to stay, but as for another person living with me full time. I don't think I would cope now.
*hurles a cat at you
P.S Jim, Jack and Johnie can visit any time
Sunday, March 29, 2009
Eats humble pie
I found the unit outline. It said something like a mark of 65% means that your are on the right track and could go onto a honours or postgrad course.
"Toto I don't think we are in TAFE anymore" ;)
Time to hit the books
Ripped off
I got my first assessment back from my very first assignment. This is what she said
"Overall well written and organized, and excellent participation. I also liked how the small change in your perspective had two very different internet in everyday life stories. Good work."
I read this a though, cool I did well, sure there were some petty spelling mistakes. So what mark did I get 6.5/10!!! What the! I was expecting about a 8/10 with those comments she made.
It's high school and TAFE all over again :( you would think after 25 years it or I would have changed, but no "Katisha tries very hard - C average & watch the spelling"
Well I spose if I keep on getting a C average it will at least mean I pass.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Twitter is going well, I've added some "friends" to my list like Stephen Fry, Robert Llewellyn, Grarfied and Transperth. Just to name a few. Well there not my "friends" as such, but it is nice to see what they have to say. Stephen is rather chatty.
My furry and finny family are going well. I'll need to get a nice heater for Phenic (finny) as I'm sure he would prefer indoor heating. As for my Furry boys, they are starting to get on each others nerves I think, nothing major, just small squabbles. Once I've appeased their stomach gods they return to being good puddy-tats.
Stay slinky
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Joined the bandwagon
Twit Me
Why did I join Twitter, well I'm a poosh over to all furry creatures. 4 or 2 legged.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tooth update
Vincent - Well Katisah here are your choices, will it be a general anaesthetic and all 4 wisdom teeth taken out Or a local anaesthetic and only 2 teeth taken out?
Katisha - err, I don't know, can I think about it and get back to you?
Vincent - No, well I could but you would have to come back for another consult.
Katisha - Can I phone a friend?
Vincent - I'm sorry where not that type of game show.
Katisah - Do I really need all the 4 teeth extracted?
Vincent - Your referral said yes, but I think only taking to 2 out will be fine.
Katisha - Can I leave now with all my teeth intact.
Vincent - Well yes you can, but it will be more painfull if they get infected
Katisha - OK I'll take 2 teeth out under a local anaesthetic.
Vincent - Is that your final answer
Katisha - I don't know.
*Katisha signs on dotted line"
So I'm booked in for the June 29. My Melbourne trip will just have to wait.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Aunties Buidling Challenge gets better

Saturday, March 14, 2009
Medieval Help Desk
This clip is old, but it's the first time I've come accross it. Thought you might like it too.
It's not in english, there is an english version, but this one is better.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Clean bill of health
Uni is going well, the first round of assignments are due soon. I'll feel much happier once I get a mark back. I don't care how much I pass by, I just want to pass. I may care later this year, but now I don't.
Second Life is going well, I'm now the host of a building game, the first show got a good reception. :) lets hope it will get bigger and better in the months to come.
Stay slinky
Thursday, March 5, 2009
What have I learnt
I'll let you ponder on that one.
I know people said that there would be a lot of reading, but I didn't think they meant this much. Thankfully I'm attending a class to show me how to critically read. Which goes well, coz I've just learnt what it means to critically think.
"The rain in Spain falls mainly on the plain" by jove I think she's got it!
Educating Katisha me thinks too.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
One week down
As you suspected I survived my first week at Uni. I have met some nice folk who are doing the same undergrad as me, so that will make my time more enjoyable. In some classes I'm the oldest student, I think even older than the tutor! Which makes it good for answering some of the questions about recent history, I atleast lived through it!
Out of the 4 classes, only 1 has an exam to sit, the rest are assignment bassed assessment, so that is cool by me.
Well I better hit the books again, I need to get my work done, so tonight I can log into Second Life and host my first building game show. I'll let you know how that goes later.
Stay Slinky
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Uni starts proper
Parents crappy school education, mum then taught her self. Us 3 kids did not complete high school. At least my oldest brother and I went back to complete year 12 as mature aged students and then go on to better our education. All 3 of us to this day, are still trying to learn new things, from Mum reading books and hinting to get the net at home, my brother is taking evening classes in finance and then there's me going to Uni. Don't get me wrong Dad and my other brother have done things to keep there brains active.
I hope this does not sound that I think that I am better than the rest of my family, because I don't. It's just up to even 3 years ago I thought Uni was academically out of my reach, and now to be here is so like WOW.
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
Day 2 of Orientation
I hate being sick when it's just me in the house.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Day 1
They have started up a mentoring program, so I will be assigned a mentor who is currently under taking there second year of Uni. I can use my mentor to answer my questions that I may not want to ask, my tutor or fellow students. It is not compulsory to participate, but I will.
I'm back today, for more talks, tours and physically find my class locations for next week.
Take care
Thursday, February 12, 2009
There Baaaaack
Here is what the hungry buggers look like, you can see them bunched together in their caterpillar form. The green bits is caterpillar poo.
In previous year the infestations were bad, at night time you could stand underneath the tree and hear them munching on the leave. At one point my neighbour even complained to me that the blighters were keeping him awake at night. They could strip the tree bare in under 2 weeks, (we are talking about a large tree here). They would make there way into the house, and bingo some weeks later we had moths to contend with. Fingers crossed I've not seen any in the house this time.
take care
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The passing of a family member
Why did I call him "my mum's dad" well you see I never met him, at any stage of my life. So there for I don't know what to call him.
It's all very sad realy, my mum had not spoken to him in years too, and only found out the news from her younger brother, who intern was not told by other siblings, but found out when he turned up to visit his dad.
I'm more concerned for my mum, as due to her 'icky" family she has been so determined to ensure that her children and grandchilden understand how imprornt "being family" is.
She has been able to talk to her siblings, and I spose is feeling the loss of not being conected to them either, except for one brother.
I just thought I would add this post as it's been news.
As I said before, I'm ok, I had no emontional conection to the man whatso ever. Which in its self is sad.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
C is for Dalek, that's good enough for me

If you are thinking, "but they don't' look anything like your regulation Dalek" I would just like to inform you that nor do they taste like your regulation Dalek. These are nom nom's
Plus not to bad for a person who has not make biscuits for years or done fancy decorations.
Dig in!
The Cookie Monster
C is for cookie and that's good enough for me. Cookie, cookie, cookie starts with C
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
My View on the drug situation
Background information - At the recent "Big Day Out Event" the police had drug sniffer dogs searching people at the nearby train station for drugs, ensuring punter were clean before they entered the event. A young 17 year old girl panicked at the though she would be caught with her 3 ecstasy tablets, so not wanted to get sprung she downed them all. Needless to say soon after she collapsed and latte passed away in hospital.
Tonight on the telly they were interview her parents, all they could do was blame the first aid people for not rushing their daughter to the hospital and for the police being there with the sniffer dogs. Throughout the interview they were continually telling us that their daughter is a popular child who new the risk of taking drugs, and does not take them. They pretty much quoted that she could still be alive if 1. the police were not checking and 2. the first aid people were better trained.
Yes don't get me wrong it's sad that a young potential life has been lost. But if shes' never takes drugs, why does she have 3 tablets, surly if you are just starting out on your drug experience you would just buy one! More importantly I feel their daughter would still be alive if she hadn't 1. panicked, and 2. had not purchased the things in the first place.
I am sorry but do not blame other people for your mistakes.
Gets down from her box
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Coffee Jelly ( Jello )
2 cups black coffee ( no sugar )
1 Tbsp gelatin powder ( I satchel )
2 Tbsp sugar
Mix gelatin powder and 4 Tbsp of water in a small cup. Mix coffee, sugar, and the gelatin in a sauce pan. Stir well on low heat until sugar dissolves. Strain the mixture and pour into four cups. Cool them in the refrigerator.
(To be honest I just found using boiling water did just fine instead of using the stove top, and I did not strain the mixture either)
Serving suggestions;
Whipped cream or chocolate moose
If you do happen to make this, let me know what you think.
Monday, January 26, 2009
Uni prep starts
I don't know if I've told you yet, but within Second Life I've become involved with the official Curtin Uni site. I have volunteered to take on a active role within the sim. Whether this will involve helping new people to second life settle in or become an ambassador, I honestly don't know. It's early days yet, I do know one thing I'll be apart of the official launch.
Over all I'm looking forward to what lays ahead of me, and have even thought that my direction of becoming an archivist may just change into becoming more involved with virtual worlds and the educational potential that they can achieve.
If it wasn't for Uni I properly would have become more involved with a SL show called "Life Online" It is a magazine/talk show about all aspects of living our lives online, be it second life or simply buying something from ebay. I was at least able to get involved with the program in a small way by being in the opening credits. Here is a link the the official web page where you can view the episodes online.
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Tooth update
Ok here's what happend, to me (abridge version)
Tooth extracted, need wisdome theeth out too.
It's been bloody hot.
My Second Life is getting better each day, learning new things & have become a kind of founding member of the new Curtin Uni site in world. ( I was the first visitor!) I have agreed to take on a active role within the sim.
Still spending my days like a bum, but slowly winding up for the the Uni year.
Er the less said about the weight thing the better :(
That's it
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Say Cheese

Monday, January 5, 2009
Who's a right wally then
So this morning I forgo my sleep in. Do you think I could actually find my Medicare card this morning! I spent half an hour running madly around the house with no luck, but on the positive side I did find some other cards I had misplaced. By now it is to late to make it to the surgery, plus I was just getting to hot and tetchy. Now I have two choice, 1 turn this place upside down or 2. just get a new card, which could take longer.
Who's a right wally then, well that would be me.
3 Hours later
Guess what I found in my purse! minutes after I had acquired a new one.
Katisha Honi, grabs Murphy by the neck and belts him with the found medicare card.
Thursday, January 1, 2009
My crissy was nice and relaxing, a bit noisy at times, but that's the way I like it. My new years eve was spent with second life friends.
I have a rather saw tooth, and being the silly season there are no dentists open :(. So between the heat and my tooth I've been lacking a bit in the sleep department, but on the plus side I've nearly finished reading my book. (Terry Pratchett's "Thief of Time")
Some people have been asking me "So are you getting excited about Uni?" my honest answer has been, "Not yet" I don't think that will kick in till early Feb.
As for the fish, I've finally decided on the name "Phenic".
I finally got hold of a Dalek shaped cookie cutter, so once I have made them I'll post a piccy. I just need to purchase a rolling pin now. hee hee.
Go to this link it not only has the picture of the Dalek cutter but others to get your imagination started.......must resist urge to collect cookie cutters. hee hee