Saturday, November 29, 2008

Week in Review

Hello dedicated readers, for I know there are at least 2 of you. (Yes I am referring to you my fairy floss friend) :)

As for the Uni stuff, well I've obviously accepted the placement, now it is just a waiting game to the enrolment / orientation week next year. I had a bit of a panic attack, you know like "oh my, what have I done!" but I assume this is a natural process to go through.

Now as for the diet, I have regained some hope, I tell you what being crook sure helps with weight loss. I brought a subway sub for my tea, but did not get around to eating it about 2 hours later. I think that was my undoing, so for the next few days I had set up camp in the lav. I'm not a big liker of taking artificial medication and will only take panadaol if I'm desperate. So I was hoping this little incident would run it's course (no pun intended), but I'm now entering my 3rd day. Me thinks I should pop up the hill to the chemist. So I technically lost 2.8k this week, all what I put on last week and a fare bit more.


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